When to Get New Car Wheels & Rims in Escondido, California

Rims & Wheels in Escondido, California.

Here’s the first thing to remember: your rims help your tires do their job. And when the rims aren’t holding up their end of the bargain, your wheels won't work properly. When that happens, you’re at risk of:

  • Uneven wear on your tires
  • Problems with your car’s handling
  • Reduced gas mileage

In other words, safe, efficient driving requires wheels working at optimal performance levels. Rims play a big part in that. So it’s important that they’re in good condition.

But knowing that doesn’t help much if you don’t know when to get new ones. Don’t worry. We can help you with that, too.

When your rims don’t fit your tires you need new rims

Your rims and tires have to fit in order to maintain the proper inflation for your tires. Tire manufacturers list the size of rims for each tire, and the vehicle specifications will list the appropriate rim size, too. If the rims on your car don’t match the vehicle specifications or fit the tires properly, you’ll need to get new ones.

When your rims are cracked and damaged you need new rims

Yes, a bent rim can usually be straightened without much of a problem. But when rims are cracked or the lugholes are damaged, our bet is that your mechanic will charge you more to repair them than they would cost to replace. In that case, just get new rims.  

When faulty construction causes leakage you need new rims

Unfortunately, there are some faulty alloy rims out there that cause leakage.  We’ve seen people spend unnecessary money and time on the replacement of what they assumed were leaky tires only to realize it was the faulty construction of their alloy rims that caused the leakage.

When you want to upgrade your style you need new rims

One of the best ways to upgrade your car is to upgrade your wheels. Sexy new rims and tires to match. Want to show off your promotion at work? New rims. Want to offset the embarrassment of the minivan in the driveway? Get new rims on the sedan. Got something to prove to your big brother? New rims.

Honestly, any reason you can find to upgrade your style, we’ll support it.

Check out our selection of rims and wheels at Audiosport Escondido

Looking for new wheels and rims? You’ve come to the right place. At Audiosport in Escondido, we have a beautiful selection of high-quality products. And if you’re not sure exactly what you need, we can help you with that, too. Our knowledgeable, professional staff will take the time to answer your questions and help you make informed decisions about the products you purchase for your car.

Come on in. At Audiosport, you can count on top-notch service and high-quality products. We do it that way so you’ll drive away happy. Check out our specials on rims and wheels for great deals! Give us a call at (760) 743-2333.