Audiosport Escondido

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10 Tips to Get Your Car Ready for Summer in Escondido

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The San Diego sunshine beams down on us for most of the year, but in summertime the fun really heats up: road trips, camping trips, and late nights in the warm coastal air. Yeah, you’ll need to pack bags, plan itineraries, and shop for new beach clothes, but don’t forget to get your car ready for summer, too. There are a few smart, easy things you can do to keep your car safe, running smoothly, and looking great through the high-travel season. Take a look at these 10 tips to get your car ready for summer.

#1. Examine your car's tires for wear and tear

Low tire pressure wastes gas, and old, worn out tires can result in serious accidents. Check the tire pressure. Examine the tires for uneven wear, cracks, bumps, and bulges. Rotate your tires prior to heading out for any road trip, and replace old tires as well.

#2. Flush your cooling system to prevent overheating

The greatest cause of summer breakdowns is overheating.  To get your car ready for summer, check the level, condition, and concentration of the coolant. Or have a professional do it. A flush may be necessary to protect your car from overheating (and you from having to use your AAA card).

#3. Check the air conditioning of your car to keep cool

The last thing you want is for your AC to go kaput while you’re driving through the Mojave Desert on your way to Vegas. Have your air conditioning system checked by a qualified technician to make sure it’s in good working order for the summer.

#4. Tint your car windows

Speaking of air conditioning…you know it takes a lot of energy to cool your car during the hotter months, right? Well, tinting your car windows helps keep your car’s interior cooler, so your AC doesn’t have to work as hard, thus saving you money. The tinted windows will also protect you from the sun’s harmful UV rays.

#5. Upgrade your security system & Alarm

July and August are the worst months for vehicle theft, and this can be compounded by the loss of luggage and other valuables when you’re traveling. Upgrading your security system with a car alarm and visible anti-theft devices might make the difference between an awesome summer vacation and a devastating one.

#6. Improve visibility with HID headlights

Summer road trips often mean a lot of night driving, so you’ll want maximum visibility.  You can significantly improve your visibility with HID headlights, which will also increase your reaction time in an emergency – and therefore your safety as well.

#7. Get a GPS car navigation system

You don’t want to rely on cell phone service when you’re out on the road.  A quality GPS navigation system can help you get where you’re going and stay safe doing it. Your navigation system can also help you talk on the phone hands-free and provide easy access to apps you’ll need along the way.

#8. Enhance your Car audio & Stereo System

What’s a road trip or off-roading in your ATV without music? Upgrade your stereo system altogether, or start with just your speakers. Either way, enhancing your audio is a surefire way to enhance your summer.

#9. Install a car video & DVD Player

Nothing can ruin a road trip faster than squabbling children. And nothing can cut back on the squabbling like entertainment. Set up your backseat buddies with video or gaming systems so you can enjoy the freedom of the road.  Even if you’re not traveling with little ones, your car video will come in handy when rainwater soaks your sleeping bag and puts the campfire out. Car camping is fun when you can watch a movie while doing it.

#10. Bling it out with LED lights

Summer calls for celebration. Celebrate the Fourth of July all over San Diego freeways with red, white, and blue LED undercarriage lights. Or just add a little pizazz to celebrate the awesomeness of summertime with interior LED lights in your favorite color.

Bonus: Don’t forget your boat audio!

Summertime means quality time on your boat, too!  Upgrade your boat with a new marine audio system. Create a party atmosphere for your passengers or wind down with some low-key jazz while you enjoy the serenity of the water. Either way, your marine audio system will help set the mood.

Audiosport makes it easy for you

At Audiosport in Escondido, we’d love to help get your car ready for summer. We can provide new tires, car audio, car video, car navigation systems, car security, LED lights, HID headlights, and more.  One-stop shopping plus installation makes it easy on you. So go ahead and do your itinerary planning while we take care of your car. Give us a call at (760) 743-2333.